
PVRI Global Deep Phenotyping PH Registry

The PVRI GoDeep Registry is a worldwide deep phenotyping pulmonary hypertension (PH) database spanning over all contintents. Our data offers insights into specific geographical and ethnical profiles of this disease. Furthermore, researchers can utilize the registry to identify possible study participants for clinical trials. Normal values, prevalences and incidences of specific pathologies can be derived.

Key features

Number of PH patients
Comparator subjects without PH
Data points
> 8,000,000
Number of parameters/variables
PH diagnosis class WS2013/2018 Simonneau et al.
WHO functional class PH
Survival & cause of death
Right heart catheterization
6 minute walk test
Lung function test
PH specific drug therapy
Imaging methods MRI / Chest CT
Availability of bio samples